22 mai 2022
Fire over the Devil’s Marbles
140 days on the road moving away from our starting point, we finally hit the last big leg of our roadtrip. Whilst we headed south from...

18 mai 2022
The mighty Nullarbor – From one oasis to the next
Walking onto a perfect white sandy beach with no one around, exploring >10’000 year old caves with Aboriginal rock art paintings, walking...

7 mai 2022
Tasmania, a homecoming – short memory, we won't have a
As we approach Darwin, we take a look back at where we were a few days weeks months ago, on the opposite end of Australia. This was some...

28 avr. 2022
Australia’s Big K’s - Karijini
We’ve all been stuck with the letter “K” in Scrabble, whether in English or French, it is always a challenge to come up with satisfying...

22 avr. 2022
Tom Price and the Pilbara – Australia’s magnetic North(West)
Thomas Moore Price was a high executive in an American steel company. He died in 1962, after having played an instrumental role in the...

13 avr. 2022
Yardie Homestead, after 14’000 km, we reach the starting point
As you drive along some of the World’s most luscious beaches in the desert-like Ningaloo Coast, an inviting road sign sucks you in like...

31 mars 2022
Entering the Gawler Ranges (and getting bogged !)
As soon as we heard that Western Australia was opening its borders, we hit the brakes and turned left! Instead of heading up through the...

27 févr. 2022
Tasmania - From Abel Tasman to the Bruny Bridge
Tasmania, or Tassie, the forgotten part of Australia. Melissa and I had spent a few days there in 2015 and we got engaged in Lake St...

7 févr. 2022
Meet Yindi, our companion and Protector
On January 2nd 2022, we pulled out of Tim’s farm near Albury (NSW), towing a 3 ton, 22 feet (7 meters) semi-offroad caravan. Our plan is...

2 févr. 2022
Adventures in the Yarra Valley
As we looped back towards Melbourne after our first 2 weeks on the road in New South Wales and Victoria, we headed inland to Yarra Valley...

26 janv. 2022
Get it AO-K, and have a fun tennis day
Since we would be travelling around Victoria in January, we had to make it to the Australian Open. As everybody now knows, it is not that...

22 janv. 2022
A Birthday at the Melbourne Zoo
Stanley turned 11 on January 21st! Happy birthday, mate. For his special day, the Grandparents went all in and treated our young man big...

12 janv. 2022
At The Gong, the beach we finally reach
From Canberra, we head out North East to catch up with Melissa's long time friend Al and his family in Wollongong. "The Gong", as it is...

4 janv. 2022
The Australian War Memorial
On Day 1 of our roadtrip, we venture into Canberra, Capital city of Australia, home of Parliament, it is also where the country honours...

30 déc. 2021
Holbrook, "the Submarine town"
Australia is well known for its vast landscape, but then you pull in a small town, 400 km inland, and almost drive into a....submarine!...

26 déc. 2021
Christmas adventures at the dam
Will we have a white Christmas this year? For Boris and the boys, the question is a classic. December equals winter and cold, and...

23 déc. 2021
Benalla Art Gallery
We leave Melbourne with Georgina, Melissa's mother, heading up North-East to meet Melissa's brother Tim and family. He owns a farm near...

21 déc. 2021
Australia is different – Part I: COVID19
When we first decided to go on this adventure, it all seemed straightforward: put work commitments on pause, get on a flight, buy a car...

12 déc. 2021
How it all started
You always think a long sabbatical is something the others do. But one day you have to take a deep breath and admit that you have not had...